DMV Trails

The Insider's Guide to DC Running Trails

Memorial Loop

At 3.25 miles the Memorial Loop is a fairly modest run, but it features many of the most iconic monuments and memorials in DC.

Location: Reflecting Pool and Tidal Basin

Length: Approx 3.25 miles





Since this is a loop, you can start anywhere along the trail.  I’ve decided to start the trail by the Washington Monument.  It should not be difficult to get here.

Once there, point yourself west towards the Lincoln memorial and run there on the right side of the reflecting pool.

From the monument, head west towards the Lincoln Memorial.

Before you reach the reflecting pool, you will see a fountain-y memorial.  This is the WWII memorial and it is the first stop.  It is about .2 miles to get here from the starting point.

First stop is the WWII memorial on the east end of the reflecting pool

The WWII memorial is a nice sight but it’s always super packed.  In my opinion it’s nice but nothing that great.

The name of every state is engraved on pillars surrounding the fountain

When ready, continue running towards the Lincoln on the right side of the reflecting pool.  It is .6 miles from the WWII memorial to Lincoln.

The Lincoln Memorial is by far the most packed.  Maybe it has to do with accessibility or how iconic it is, but the interior as well as the steps below it are always filled with people.  Best for off-peak hours.

Once you get to the Lincoln and you want to move on, follow the arrows below.

When you get to these black post things, you’ll see a route going straight ahead into a foresty area.

This is our third stop.  The Korean War memorial is only .2 miles from the Lincoln.

The Korean War memorial will come into view

The Korean War Memorial is fairly modest but it has always been intriguing.  There are statues of soldiers hiking through a field, and the looks on their faces conveys a certain type of anxiety and fear very well.

When you choose to move on, start moving towards where you came from, but instead of making a right to double back to the Lincoln, go straight, as depicted below.

When you get to the end of the road, make a left and stay to your left so that you merge onto Independence Ave.

Keep your eyes peeled to your right and you’ll see some white rocks.  This is the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial and it is .3 miles away from the Korean Memorial.

The white rocks are part of the MLK memorial

The MLK memorial is one of my favorites.  Not only does it have a great view of the Tidal Basin, but the way that Dr. King is carved out of a giant white rock is incredibly grandiose and majestic.

When you’re ready to move on, orient yourself so that you are facing the water, then turn right and exit the memorial.  Once you’ve exited, stay to your left so that the Tidal Basin remains in view.

Only .2 miles later you will arrive at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial.

This is my favorite memorial because it’s sprawling layout that includes memorials from all three of his terms is a metaphor for his life.  As I walk this memorial, it is as if I am experiencing his life.

Plus, this one has bathrooms.

Bathrooms at the FDR memorial!

The FDR Memorial will end and you will be back on track going around the Tidal Basin.

Exit the FDR memorial and continue to travel around the Tidal Basin.

As you’re running, you’ll see the Jefferson Memorial come into view.  This is our 2nd next stop.

The Jefferson will come into view

Anyways, as you continue to circle the Tidal Basin, you will cross this bridge.  If you do, you’re on the right track.

Cross the bridge

Upon crossing the bridge, if you continue to bear left, you will get to the Jefferson Memorial.  However, we are going to make a quick stop straight ahead at the George Mason Memorial.  This is .5 miles away from the FDR memorial.

George Mason Memorial will come into view after the bridge

This memorial is incredibly underwhelming.  No one is ever here and it’s just a little grass circle with a statue of this dude.  When I went, there was only one other person there and I think he was the groundskeeper.

Anyways, if we continue to circle the Tidal Basin, you’ll get to the Jefferson Memorial, .4 miles away from the George Mason.

Bathrooms at the Jefferson!



This is another one of my favorites.  Because it is on the opposite side of the Tidal Basin from everything else, it attracts less visitors than the main ones along the Mall.Nevertheless, it’s nice to have less people present and it has a great view right on the Tidal Basin.  It just has a calming feel to it.

Nevertheless, it’s nice to have less people present and it has a great view right on the Tidal Basin.  It just has a calming feel to it.

This is the view from the Jefferson.  It’s like being one step away from the hectic DC life.

The Washington Monument (where we started) emerges into view.

When you’re ready to leave, if you’re facing the Washington monument, go right and continue to circle the Tidal Basin.  You’ll have to cross a bridge to get back onto the main part of DC.

Once you have done so, take the right path as depicted below.  This is where we stop following the Tidal Basin.

Cross at this intersection.

This is the best place to cross the street

Not a memorial but you’ll pass this building on your right.

Bureau of Engraving and Printing

Fairly soon, the Washington Monument will emerge back into view.  You don’t need instructions from here.

When the Wash. Monument comes into view, it’s easy to get there.

Bathrooms again by the Wash. Monument!



I enjoy this run (as I do all runs in DC) not just because of the monuments but because of the tourists.  Having lived in the DMV my entire life, the monuments have lost a certain novelty about them but I always enjoy watching tourists with their fanny packs and nikons being all excited to be in “the big city” for the first time.

But seriously though, this run is essentially a very large loop around the mall and the tidal basin, and the tidal basin is one of the nicest views you can get in downtown DC.  Especially in the spring, when all the cherry blossoms bloom, it’s wonderful (just take your allergy medication).

If you want to blow through a bunch of monuments in one day, this is definitely the recommended route.


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Rock Creek South

Museum Loop

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